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My story

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A passionate Belgian artist, I express myself through a variety of media including acrylic, watercolour, pencil, collage and Rotring. My art finds its essence in wild animals and portraits.


Each canvas I create is a faithful reflection of my emotions, an inner journey that I share with the world. The world of artistic creation is my gateway to escape and balance, where nothing remains hidden.


At the age of 15, I walked through the doors of the Académie des Beaux-Arts in Brussels, thirsting for new artistic experiences.


My painting really took off during a trip around the world with my one-and-a-half-year-old daughter. I was inspired by the nature and environment around me.


In 2019, I took up the challenge of making a drawing every day at the Rotring for a year, with Africa as the theme. Each drawing was shared daily on my Instagram account, creating a link with the public.


My artistic journey also led me to collaborate with researchers at the University of Louvain, who offered three unique pigments obtained through an innovative recycling process. These pigments, in shades of red, black and white, inspired me to depict a woman from the Himba tribe in Namibia, a painting donated to the KULeuven.

Today, my artistic vision focuses on the representation of subjects, mainly animals and characters, through which she wishes to convey a message deeply imbued with her emotions.

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